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Security for your data

At Verovian Healthcare Recruitment Agency, we take your data very seriously and we understand the importance of keeping your personal information safe. By partnering with ICO, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of data protection and privacy for our candidates. With us, you can be confident that your personal information is in good hands and that we will do everything in our power to protect it. Join us today and experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your privacy is our top priority.
Contact us
PT | OT | SALT | Radiographer |
Dentist | Dental Nurse | Hygienist
Internal Physicians | Family Physicians | Surgeons
Nurse | Carer
Optician | Optometrist | Optical Assistant
Pharmacist | Technician | Dispenser
Social Worker | Manager |
Vet Doctor | Vet Nurse | Technician |
Trusted by 10,000+ practices
Locum marketplace access
Emergency cover or rota planning
Organisational compliance
Advance predictive analysis
Pre-employment checks
Contingency recruitment
Retained Recruitment
Full RPO 360

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About Us

Verovian consultancy provides recruitment solutions both for NHS and healthcare clients and candidates to find the perfect fit for both parties throughout the United Kingdom. We cover permanent, contract and temporary roles, so call us or email us now to fulfil your requirements in all sectors throughout the UK.

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Reach Out To Us

Verovian Healthcare Recruitment Agency, 2591 Dallas Parkway, Frisco, Texas
[email protected]
(+1) 214 444 8228
(+1) 800 77 88 162

Operating Hours

Core hours (Mon-Sat):
Out of hours emergency:
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