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Technology Meets Interpersonal Contacts

Technology is great, however, nothing beats a listening ear. You are assigned to your dedicated consultant, an industry expert who will give you practical support as you work to achieve your career goal
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PT | OT | SALT | Radiographer |
Dentist | Dental Nurse | Hygienist
GPs| Secondary Care
Nurse | Carer
Optician | Optometrist | Optical Assistant
Pharmacist | Technician | Dispenser
Social Worker | Manager |
Vet Doctor | Vet Nurse | Technician |
Trusted by 10,000+ practices
Locum marketplace access
Emergency cover or rota planning
Organisational compliance
Advance predictive analysis
Pre-employment checks
Contingency recruitment
Retained Recruitment
Full RPO 360

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About Us

Verovian consultancy provides recruitment solutions both for NHS and healthcare clients and candidates to find the perfect fit for both parties throughout the United Kingdom. We cover permanent, contract and temporary roles, so call us or email us now to fulfil your requirements in all sectors throughout the UK.

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Reach Out To Us

Verovian Healthcare Recruitment Agency, 122 Stockton Business Center, England. TS18 1DW
[email protected]
(+44) 800 999 1781
(+44) 191 558 0151

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Out of hours emergency:
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